
Islamic Media
  1. Boots

    Islamic Articles Who is Muhammad (pbuh)?

    Who is Muhammad (pbuh)? "Perhaps the world was never in greater need of an accurate account of Prophet Muhammad's life than it is now." So states Adil Salahi, author of Muhammad: Man and Prophet 1. After 9/11, for whatever reason(s), many people began asking themselves: Just who is this...
  2. Boots

    Bosanski Prevod Muhammad - Muhammed
    5.00 star(s) 1 Ocjena

    47. Muhammed – Muhamed Medina – 38 ajeta U ime Allaha Milostivog Samilosnog 1. Allah će poništiti djela onih koji ne vjeruju i od puta Njegova odvraćaju. 2. A onima koji vjeruju i dobra djela čine i vjeruju u ono što se objavljuje Muhammedu – a to je Istina od Gospodara njihova – On će preko...
  3. Boots

    Islamske Teme Mu’džize Poslanika, a.s
    5.00 star(s) 1 Ocjena

    Mu’džiza mu odagnala brigu i tugu Imam Ahmed zabilježio je predaju od Enesa ibn Malika u kojoj stoji: ”Jedne prilike je došao melek Džibril, a.s., kod Muhammeda, s.a.v.s., dok je on sjedio tužan i potišten zbog ezijećenja i napada od strane idolopoklonika. Vidjevši ga u takvom stanju Džibril ga...
  4. Boots

    Lingua Italiana 047 – Sura Muhammad

    047 – Sura Muhammad Sura XLVII Muhammad [1] In nome di Allah, il Compassionevole, il Misericordioso. 1. Allah vanificherà le opere dei miscredenti e di quelli che distolgono dalla Sua via [2] . 2. Rimetterà i peccati e volgerà al bene lo spirito di coloro che credono e compiono il bene e...
  5. Boots

    WikiPedia Quotes Islamic quotes

    Islam Religion: Beliefs and Practices of Muslims in The Faith of Allah Islam religion is a major world religion, with a reach that extends across continents. It’s a faith shared by many Muslims, from different walks of life and diverse cultures. This religion continues to spread through...
  6. Boots

    English Translation 81. Surah At-Takwir (Wound around and lost its Light)

    81. Surah At-Takwir (Wound around and lost its Light) In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1. When the sun Kuwwirat (wound round and lost its light and is overthrown). 2. And when the stars shall fall; 3. And when the mountains shall made to pass away; 4. And when the...
  7. Boots

    English Translation 96. Surah Al-Alaq (The Clot)

    96. Surah Al-Alaq (The Clot) In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1. Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), 2. Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). 3. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, 4. Who has taught (the...
  8. Boots

    English Translation 98. Surah Al-Baiyyinah (The Clear Evidence)

    98. Surah Al-Baiyyinah (The Clear Evidence) In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1. Those who disbelieve from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and among Al-Mushrikun,were not going to leave (their disbelief) until there came to them clear evidence. 2. A...
  9. Boots

    Traduzione Italia 048 – Sura Al-Fath (La Vittoria)
    5.00 star(s) 1 Ocjena

    Sura XLVIII Al-Fath [1] La Vittoria Post-Eg. n. 111. Di 29 versetti. Il nome della sura deriva dal vers. 1. In nome di Allah, il Compassionevole, il Misericordioso. 1. In verità ti abbiamo concesso una vittoria evidente [2] , 2. affinché Allah perdoni le tue colpe passate e future [3] ...
  10. Admin

    Islamski Članki Islamski citati iz Kur’ana
    5.00 star(s) 1 Ocjena

    Islamski citati iz Kur’ana O, vi, ki verujete! Ne uživajte premoženja drug drugega na nedovoljen način; lahko (uživate premoženje) le, ko gre za trgovanje z medsebojnim zadovoljstvom. [Plemeniti Kur’an: 4:29] In ko te Moji sužnji vprašajo o Meni (O, Muhammad), Jaz sem resnično blizu...
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