
Islamic Media
  1. Boots

    Kalendar Događaja Dani Srebrenice

    Dan sjećanja na šehide Srebrenice stradale u masovnom genocidu 1995. godine u zaštićenoj zoni Ujedinjenih naroda. Na ovaj dan u svim džematima uče se hatme, jasini i dove, a u Potočarima kod Srebrenice se organizira poseban vjerski program i dženaza-namaz za ekshumirane žrtve genocida. U...
  2. Boots

    Islamic Articles Srebrenica Potočari Memorial and Cemetery

    Srebrenica Potočari Memorial and Cemetery The Srebrenica genocide saw the systematic murder of 8,372 Bosnian Muslim men and boys by Bosnian Serb forces. Survivor Emir Suljagić described Srebrenica as: everything that happened over three years in Bosnia culminated into one place and one...
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