
Islamic Media
  1. Boots

    Islamic Articles Worship in Islam

    Worship in Islam The concept of worship in Islam differs from that found in other religions and is, therefore, subject to misunderstanding. In general, worship is understood to mean the observance of certain rituals: prayer, fasting, giving charity, and other 'good' works. In Islam, however...
  2. Boots

    English Translation 109. Surah Al-Kaafiroon (The Disbelievers)

    109. Surah Al-Kaafiroon (The Disbelievers) In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1. Say (O Muhammad () to these Mushrikun and Kafirun): "O Al-Kafirun (disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Messengers, in the Day of Resurrection, and in...
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