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Ibn Kathir prefers another interpretation. He expounds that the particle ma is used in two ways: [ 1] as mawsulah or relative pronoun in the sense of...
Surah 109. Al-Kafirun
Verse:1 Commentary
Virtues and Characteristics of the Surah
Sayyidah ` A'shah ؓ reports that the Messenger of Allah...
Verse:2 Commentary
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Verse:3 Commentary
Verse [ 111:3] سَيَصْلَىٰ نَارًا ذَاتَ لَهَبٍ (He will enter a fire, full of flames.) That is, either on...
Sve ovo je učinjeno nakon upotpunjenja vjere i nakon što je do njih dopro Qur'ān i sunnet.
Ja te preklinjem, ko god da si:
Da li je pravično uporediti...
Ako se složimo sa tim, mora se znati da je Negus primjenjivao ono što mu je bilo poznato od Allāhovog zakona, i da svako ko tvrdi da nije, nema...
Negus (Ge'ez: ንጉሥ, nəgueś ; cf. Tigrinya: ነጋሲ negus) je na eritrejskim i etiopijskim semitskim jezicima bila vladarska nasljedna titula, sve do pada...
Hasad [ Jealousy ] and Ghibtah [ Envy ]
The Arabic word hasad, the English equivalent of which is 'jealousy', is invariably used in the bad sense. It...
Virtues of Mu'awwadhatain
Sahih of Muslim records a Tradition on the authority of Sayyidna 'Uqbah Ibn ` Amir ؓ who reports that the Messenger of Allah...