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Ridli Skot (Ridley Scott) je svojim remek-delima Alien i Blade Runner zadužio filmsku kinematografiju, naročito žanr naučne fantastike, i njegovo ime će ostati upisano velikim slovima. Poznat kao režiser koji nema karakterističan žanr, odlučio se na...
Back in 2015, “Jurassic World” briefly set the box office record for biggest opening weekend of all time with $208 million before climbing to #3 on the overall domestic chart. It seemed as though people couldn’t get enough of dinosaurs chowing down on some arrogant human victims. Now comes...
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
To be honest, I'm not sure I could accurately recount much of this movie or its plot in a meaningful fashion. The plot itself is so overly complicated and loaded with unnecessary fluff that, by the end, it feels like more than half of the movie could have been cut...
Dobrodošli u fascinantni svet drevnog Egipta, gde se arheološka istraživanja susreću sa misterijama koje i danas izazivaju znatiželju. Kroz ovaj chat, istražićemo deset najintrigantnijih i najsablasnijih otkrića u Egiptu, od zagonetnih hijeroglifa do nestalih faraona i neobjašnjivih artefakata u...
Released: December 10, 2009
Directed by: James Cameron
Starring: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, and Sigourney Weaver
As the highest grossing modern film of all time, Avatar has quite a reputation. With some of the best CGI ever seen, it’s hard to not be impressed by such an incredible...