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Tokom Drugog svetskog rata, nemačka vojska, poznata kao Wehrmacht, imala je niz istaknutih generala, admirala i feldmaršala koji su igrali ključne uloge u vođenju nemačkih trupa na različitim frontovima. Ovi vojni lideri su se suočavali s izazovima, kako na Istočnom frontu, tako i na Zapadnom...
Čaj od paprene metvice i eterična ulja su lako dostupni, a osvježavajući okus mentola ovaj čaj čini jednim od najpopularnijih.
Čaj od mente ili paprene metvice odličan je i osvježavajući način da ostanete zdravi te može pomoći u jačanju imunološkog sustava, poboljšanju probave i smanjenju...
In the days and weeks leading up to Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, the movie’s screenwriter and Wizarding World creator J.K. Rowling has spent far more time doubling down on her abhorrent anti-trans views than she has promoting her own film. Then again, if I’d written something as...
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
eservoir Dogs grabs you by the throat and digs its claws in deep. From the moment that the unwitting viewer tumbles into the realm of Lawrence Tierney's gang of eight, they are hopelessly trapped there until the final credits roll. As the first outing for actor/director/...
A vast empty Western landscape. The camera pans across it. Then the shot slides onto a sunburned, desperate face. The long shot has become a closeup without a cut, revealing that the landscape was not empty but occupied by a desperado very close to us.
In these opening frames, Sergio Leone...