
Islamic Media
  1. Boots

    Islamic Articles Quran Audio with English

    Quran Audio with English Translation The Qur'an is the religious text of Islam and is widely regarded as the finest piece of literature in the Arabic language. The Qur'an is the verbal divine guidance and moral direction for mankind and the final revelation of God! The final Testament! The...
  2. Boots

    Wiki Quotes Powerful Duas for Anxiety

    Powerful Duas for Anxiety, Sadness and Depression Duas for Anxiety, Sadness and Depression | Dua is not just a form of worship but the brain, core and essence of worship and a great blessing of Almighty Allah for his sinful bondmen. The true value of offering Dua may be realized by the...
  3. Admin

    Islamic Articles Bismillah hir rahman nir rahim

    What is the meaning of the phrase Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim? The meaning of this Islamic phrase is, “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. It’s recited by Muslims daily for many different occasions. The most common place you’d hear Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim...
  4. Admin

    English Tafsir 100. Surah Al Adiyat (Those That Run)

    100. Surah Al Adiyat (Those That Run) Name The Surah has been so entitled after the word al `adiyat with which it opens. Period of Revelation Whether it is a Makki or a Madani Surah is disputed. Hadrat Abdullah bin Masud, Jabir, Hasan Basri, Ikrimah, and Ata say that it is Makki. Hadrat Anas...
  5. Admin

    English Tafsir 101. Surah Al Qaria (The Disaster)

    101. Surah Al Qaria (The Disaster) Name The Surah takes its name from its first word al- qari`ah. This is not only a name but also the title of its subject matter, for the Surah is devoted to Resurrection. Period of Revelation There is no dispute about its being a Makki Surah. Its contents...
  6. Admin

    English Tafsir 102. Surah At Takathur (The Mutual Rivalry)

    102. Surah At Takathur (The Mutual Rivalry) Name The Surah taken its name from the word at takathur in the first verse. Period of Revelation Abu Hayyan and Shaukani say that this Surah, according to all commentators, is Makki, and this same is the well known view according to Iman Suyuti...
  7. Admin

    English Tafsir 103. Surah Al Asr (The Time)

    103. Surah Al Asr (The Declining Day, The Time) Name The Surah takes its name from the word al-`asr occurring in the first verse. Period of Revelation Although Mujahid, Qatadah and Muqatil regard it as a Madani Surah, yet a great majority of the commentators opine that it is Makki; its...
  8. Admin

    English Tafsir 104. Surah Al Humaza (The One Who Slanders)

    104. Surah Al Humaza (The One Who Slanders) Name The Surah takes its name from the word humazah occurring in the first verse. Period of Revelation All commentators are agreed that it is a Makki Surah; a study of its subject matter and style shows that this too is one of the earliest Surahs...
  9. Admin

    English Tafsir 105. Surah Al Fil (The Elephant)

    105. Surah Al Fil (The Elephant) Name The Surah derives its name from the word ashab al fil in the very first verse. Period of Revelation This is unanimously a Makki Surah; and if it is studied against its historical background it appears that it must have been sent down in the very earliest...
  10. Admin

    English Tafsir 106. Surah Quraish

    106. Surah Quraish Name The Surah has been so entitled after the word Quraish in the very first verse. Period of Revelation Although Dahhak and Kalbi regard it as a Madani Surah, yet a great majority of the commentators are agreed that it is Makki, and a manifest evidence of this are the...
  11. Admin

    English Tafsir 107. Surah Al Ma'un (The Small Kindnesses)

    107. Surah Al Ma'un (The Small Kindnesses) Name The Surah has been so designated after the word al-ma`un occurring at the end of the last verse. Period of Revelation Ibn Marduyah has cited Ibn Abbas (may Allah bless them both) as saying that this Surah is Makki, and the same also is the view...
  12. Admin

    English Tafsir 108. Surah Al Kauthar (The Abundance)

    108. Surah Al Kauthar (The Abundance) Name The Surah has been so designated after the word al-kauthar occurring in the first verse. Period of Revelation Ibn Marduyah has cited Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas, Hadrat Abdullah bin az-Zubair and Hadrat Aishah as saying that this Surah is Makki. Kalbi...
  13. Admin

    English Tafsir 109. Surah Al Kafirun (The Disbelievers)

    109. Surah Al Kafirun (The Disbelievers) Name The Surah takes its name from the word al-kafirun occurring in the first verse. Period of Revelation Hadrat Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Hadrat Hasan Basri and Ikrimah, say that this Surah, is Makki, while Hadrat Abdullah bin Zubair says that it is...
  14. Admin

    English Tafsir 110. Surah An Nasr (The Help)

    110. Surah An Nasr (The Help) Name The Surah takes its name from the word nasr occurring in the first verse. Period of Revelation Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas states that this is the last Surah of the Quran to be revealed, i. e. no complete Surah was sent down to the Holy Prophet after it...
  15. Admin

    English Tafsir 111. Surah Al Lahab (The Flame)

    111. Surah Al Lahab (The Flame) Name The Surah takes its name from the word Lahab in the first verse. Period of Revelation Although the commentators have not disputed its being a Makki Surah, yet it is difficult to determine in which phase of the life at Makkah precisely it was revealed...
  16. Admin

    English Tafsir 112. Surah Al Ikhlas (The Purity)

    112. Surah Al Ikhlas (The Purity) Name Al-Ikhlas is not merely the name of this Surah but also the title of its contents, for it deals exclusively with Tauhid. The other Surahs of the Quran generally have been designated after a word occurring in them, but in this Surah the word Ikhlas has...
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