
Islamic Media
  1. Boots

    English Tafsir 113. Surah Al Falaq (The Daybreak)

    113. Surah Al Falaq (The Daybreak) Please note that the following introduction is for both Surah Al Falaq (113) and Surah An Nas (114). Name Although these two Surahs of the Qur'an are separate entities and are written in the Mushaf also under separate names, yet they are so deeply related...
  2. Boots

    English Tafsir 114. Surah An Nas (Mankind)

    Please note that the following introduction is for both Surah Al Falaq (113) and Surah An Nas (114). Name Although these two Surahs of the Qur'an are separate entities and are written in the Mushaf also under separate names, yet they are so deeply related mutually and their contents so closely...
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