
Islamic Media
  1. Gladiator (2002)

    Filmovi i Serije Gladiator (2002)

    RECENZIJA KLASIKA: GLADIJATOR (2000) Ridli Skot (Ridley Scott) je svojim remek-delima Alien i Blade Runner zadužio filmsku kinematografiju, naročito žanr naučne fantastike, i njegovo ime će ostati upisano velikim slovima. Poznat kao režiser koji nema karakterističan žanr, odlučio se na...
  2. Gladiator II

    Movies and Series Gladiator II

    Movie Review: Gladiator II “Gladiator II” has some awfully big sandals to fill, both commercially and creatively. Its predecessor, 2000’s “Gladiator,” made $187 million at the domestic box office. The new film has thus far made an estimated $132 million after three weekends of release. With a...
  3. Zanimljivosti o filmu Gladijator

    Filmovi i Serije Zanimljivosti o filmu Gladijator

    Zanimljivosti o filmu Gladijator Film “Gladiator”, režiran od strane Ridlija Skota i premijerno prikazan 2000. godine, ostavio je neizbrisiv trag u svetu kinematografije zahvaljujući svojoj moćnoj naraciji, dubokoj emocionalnosti i spektakularnim vizuelnim prikazima. Ova epska saga o osveti...
  4. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    Movies and Series The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    A vast empty Western landscape. The camera pans across it. Then the shot slides onto a sunburned, desperate face. The long shot has become a closeup without a cut, revealing that the landscape was not empty but occupied by a desperado very close to us. In these opening frames, Sergio Leone...
  5. Green Book (2018) Film Review

    Movies and Series Green Book (2018) Film Review

    Green Book tells the true-life story of Italian-American actor Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen), who was hired as the personal driver of African-American pianist Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali), as he embarked on a tour across the Deep South in the 1960s. In comparison to employer/ employee films such...
  6. Movie Review: Oppenheimer

    Movies and Series Movie Review: Oppenheimer

    The other half of this summer’s “Barbenheimer” phenomenon, “Oppenheimer” did so well in its second weekend that it gets a full review all its own. Sure, it came in a distant second to “Barbie” both weekends, but with an estimated $174 million at the domestic box office thus far, it’s more than...
  7. Bekstvo iz zatvora Šošenk

    Filmovi i Serije Bekstvo iz zatvora Šošenk

    10 fascinantnih činjenica o filmu „Bekstvo iz zatvora Šošenk(Shawshank)“ Uzbuđeni ste da saznate više o kultnom filmu “Bekstvo iz zatvora Šošenka”? Ovde ćete pronaći niz fascinantnih činjenica koje će vam otkriti tajne i zanimljivosti o ovom remek-delu sedme umetnosti. Od neobičnih detalja iz...
  8. Bekstvo iz zatvora

    Filmovi i Serije Bekstvo iz zatvora

    Iza zatvorskih rešetaka, brutalnosti i tragedije nevinog čoveka krilo se čudo: 30 godina filma „Bekstvo iz Šošenka“ Jedan od najboljih filmova svih vremena "Bekstvo iz Šošenka" prvi put je prikazan pre tačno 30 godina, a do tog trenutka sve je više izgleda bilo da će biti potpuni fijasko...
  9. Jurassic World Dominion

    Movies and Series Jurassic World Dominion

    Even among the crowded 2010’s box office, “Jurassic World” managed to be one of the most successful franchises of the decade, after “Stars Wars” and the MCU. This despite my worries that “Jurassic Park” fandom ended after the disastrous third film in 2001. The first two films of the new trilogy...
  10. Jurassic World

    Movies and Series Jurassic World

    Back in 2015, “Jurassic World” briefly set the box office record for biggest opening weekend of all time with $208 million before climbing to #3 on the overall domestic chart. It seemed as though people couldn’t get enough of dinosaurs chowing down on some arrogant human victims. Now comes...
  11. The Secrets of Dumbledore

    Movies and Series The Secrets of Dumbledore

    In the days and weeks leading up to Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, the movie’s screenwriter and Wizarding World creator J.K. Rowling has spent far more time doubling down on her abhorrent anti-trans views than she has promoting her own film. Then again, if I’d written something as...
  12. Avatar: The Way of Water

    Movies and Series Avatar: The Way of Water

    Movie Review – Avatar: The Way of Water Back in 2009, director James Cameron gave the world “Avatar.” The film about a human going undercover as a member of the Na’vi race on the planet of Pandora only to side with the Na’vi against his greedy fellow humans brought the movie blockbuster to new...
  13. Avatar Movie Review

    Movies and Series Avatar Movie Review

    Avatar Released: December 10, 2009 Directed by: James Cameron Starring: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, and Sigourney Weaver As the highest grossing modern film of all time, Avatar has quite a reputation. With some of the best CGI ever seen, it’s hard to not be impressed by such an incredible...
  14. The Life of Pi

    Movies and Series The Life of Pi

    Book review: “The Life of Pi” by Yann Martel This has been on my TBR list for years – it was a sensation when it was first published in 2001, went on to win the Man Booker Prize in 2002 and was adapted for film in 2012, winning four Academy Awards, including Best Director for Ang Lee (though...
  15. Zanimljivosti o filmu Pijev život

    Filmovi i Serije Zanimljivosti o filmu Pijev život

    Zanimljivosti o filmu Pijev život Film ” Pijev život (Life of Pi)”, režiran od strane Ang Lee-a, predstavlja upečatljivu priču o mladiću po imenu Pi Patel koji se, nakon brodoloma, nalazi izgubljen u beskraju Tihog okeana. Ova filmska adaptacija istoimenog romana Jana Martela istražuje duboke...
  16. Harry Potter

    Filmovi i Serije Harry Potter

    Harry Potter: Magičan svet J.K.Rowling 10. Čarobni Kamen koji leči sve rane Filozofski Kamen je jedan od najmoćnijih i najtajanstvenijih objekata u čarobnom svetu J.K. Rowling. Kamen ima sposobnost da pretvori bilo koji metal u zlato, što ga čini izuzetno vrednim. Osim toga, može proizvesti...
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