Chroma je responzivna, atraktivna i profinjena WordPress tema za portfelj i blog fotografa događaja. Ima moderan, moderan i funkcionalan dizajn napravljen za fotografske usluge, bilo da se radi o foto/video studiju. Također odgovara uredu za vjenčanja, individualnoj fotografskoj agenciji ili internetskoj trgovini fotoopreme i robne kuće. Ili se lako može koristiti kao portfelj slobodnih fotografa ili samo kao blog o fotografiji.
Chroma is a responsive, attractive, & refined Event Photographer’s Portfolio & Blog WordPress Theme. It has a modern, stylish and functional design made for a photography services business, whether it’s a photo / videography studio. Also fits event wedding bureau, individual photographer agency or an online store of photo equipments and goods shop firm. Or it can easily be used as a freelance photographer portfolio or just a blog on photography.
Chroma is a responsive, attractive, & refined Event Photographer’s Portfolio & Blog WordPress Theme. It has a modern, stylish and functional design made for a photography services business, whether it’s a photo / videography studio. Also fits event wedding bureau, individual photographer agency or an online store of photo equipments and goods shop firm. Or it can easily be used as a freelance photographer portfolio or just a blog on photography.