Šta je Novo?
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: Kada je Allah Stvorio Stvorenja u Knjizi koja je kod Njega, obavezao se! “Uistinu Moja milost preteže nad Mojom srdžbom”. Bilježe Muslim, Buhari, Nesai i Ibn Madždže.
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah kaže: Ja sam Sebi dovoljan i ne treba Mi drug. Ko ucini neko djelo u ime nekog osim Mene, Ja cu ga prepustiti tome drugom." Muslim (i Ibn Madždže).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah je rekao: Ponos je Moja odjeca, a velicina Moj ogrtac! Bacit cu u vatru onoga ko Mi se bilo kojem od njih suprostavi." Bilježe Ebu Davud (Ahmed i Ibn Madždže, sahih hadis).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Na Sudnjem Danu ce Allah reci: Gdje su oni što su se voljeli u Ime Moje Uzvišenosti? Danas cu ih uvesti u Moj hlad, kada nema drugog hlada osim Moga!" Bilježe Buhari (i Malik).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah je rekao: Ponos je Moja odjeca, a velicina Moj ogrtac! Bacit cu u vatru onoga ko Mi se bilo kojem od njih suprostavi." Bilježe Ebu Davud (Ahmed i Ibn Madždže, sahih hadis).
Fancy Product Designer - WordPress Plugin

Prodavnica Fancy Product Designer - WordPress Plugin [ 6.3.3 ]

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Fancy Product Designer - WordPress Plugin

The plugin provides a comprehensive solution for designing product displays specifically tailored for WooCommerce. Users can create customizable product designs effortlessly, enhancing the overall visual appeal of their online store. With a user-friendly interface and robust functionality, it offers a seamless experience for both administrators and customers alike.

Plugin Features

Its intuitive design tools allow users to personalize products with various elements such as text, images, and shapes, giving them full control over the customization process. The plugin enables real-time previews, ensuring that customers can visualize their designs accurately before making a purchase. This interactive feature enhances user engagement and satisfaction.

By supporting multiple file formats for uploads, including SVG and PNG, the plugin offers flexibility and compatibility for a wide range of design assets. This versatility empowers users to upload their own unique graphics and artwork, resulting in truly one-of-a-kind products. The plugin’s advanced customization options enable precise control over elements like size, color, and positioning.

Integrated seamlessly with WooCommerce, CodeCanyon Fancy Product Designer simplifies the management of custom-designed products within the e-commerce platform. From pricing and inventory tracking to order management, it streamlines the entire workflow, making it easy for store owners to offer personalized products to their customers efficiently. The plugins responsive design ensures a consistent experience across devices, optimizing usability for both desktop and mobile users.

With extensive font libraries, color palettes, and layout options, the plugin provides a rich set of resources to unleash creativity and design possibilities. Whether creating custom apparel, gifts, or promotional items, users can leverage these resources to craft visually stunning products that resonate with their target audience. Overall, the plugin empowers users to elevate their online store with unique, personalized products that drive engagement and conversions.​
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