FAQ/QA Widget je widget koji se može dodijeliti bilo kojoj stranici putem Block Managera od strane administratora. Administrator može dodati/ukloniti neograničen QA widget s prednjeg dijela web stranice. Nakon instaliranja dodatka, postoji mnogo opcija za prilagodbu izgleda i izgleda widgeta. poput boje pozadine, naslova, boja i veličine fonta. uvijek možete koristiti i zadani prikaz, koji nasljeđuje izgled i izgled uobičajenih widgeta u IPS stilu. Kompatibilnost IPS verzija 4.7
Stvorite neograničeni FAQ/QA widget/blok s upraviteljem bočne trake i postavite ga kao povucite i ispustite na bilo koju stranicu svoje web stranice
Prilagodite izgled, dizajn i sadržaj svakog FAQ/QA widgeta kada je upravitelj bočne trake aktivan u zajednici
4 različite teme za FAQ/QA widgete (Harmonika/List/Multi Column/Tabbed List) mogu se dodijeliti ovim widgetima u bilo koje vrijeme
FAQ/QA Widget is a widget, can be assign to any page through Block Manager by Admin. Admin can add/remove unlimited QA widget from the front-end of website. After installing the plugin, there is many option to customize the look and appearance of the widget. like background color, titles, colors and font size. you always can use default view as well, which is inherit the look and appearance from normal IPS style widgets. Compatibility IPS Version 4.7
Create Unlimited FAQ/QA widget/block with sidebar manager and place it as drag and drop in any page in your website
Customize looks, design and contents of each FAQ/QA widget when sidebar manager are active in community
4 different Theme for FAQ/QA widgets (Accordion/List/Multi Column/Tabbed List) can be assign to these widgets at ant time
Stvorite neograničeni FAQ/QA widget/blok s upraviteljem bočne trake i postavite ga kao povucite i ispustite na bilo koju stranicu svoje web stranice
Prilagodite izgled, dizajn i sadržaj svakog FAQ/QA widgeta kada je upravitelj bočne trake aktivan u zajednici
4 različite teme za FAQ/QA widgete (Harmonika/List/Multi Column/Tabbed List) mogu se dodijeliti ovim widgetima u bilo koje vrijeme
FAQ/QA Widget is a widget, can be assign to any page through Block Manager by Admin. Admin can add/remove unlimited QA widget from the front-end of website. After installing the plugin, there is many option to customize the look and appearance of the widget. like background color, titles, colors and font size. you always can use default view as well, which is inherit the look and appearance from normal IPS style widgets. Compatibility IPS Version 4.7
Create Unlimited FAQ/QA widget/block with sidebar manager and place it as drag and drop in any page in your website
Customize looks, design and contents of each FAQ/QA widget when sidebar manager are active in community
4 different Theme for FAQ/QA widgets (Accordion/List/Multi Column/Tabbed List) can be assign to these widgets at ant time