Welcome to our Community Forums!
Welcome to our Community Forums! Join now to access our team-lead support and guidance for running your own community. Take advantage of collaboration opportunities and peer-to-peer support of products and services to download upload. Please register to take part and more here...
(IPS Community Suite) prvenstveno je softver internetske zajednice koji proizvodi Invision Power Services, Inc. Napisan je u PHP-u i koristi MySQL kao sustav za upravljanje bazom podataka.
Invision Power Services prodaje aplikacije od kojih se svaka može kupiti i instalirati odvojeno uz paket, a najpoznatiji je softver za internetski forum Invision Power Board. Invision Community se odnosi na kombiniranu zbirku aplikacija koje pruža Invision Power Services i srž je okvira. Ovo je naše izdanje za održavanje u martu. Ovo izdanje također uključuje važan sigurnosni problem.
IPS Community Suite) is primarily an Internet community software produced by Invision Power Services, Inc. It is written in PHP and uses MySQL as a database management system.
Invision Power Services sell applications that each can be bought and installed separately in addition to the Suite, the most widely known being the Internet forum software Invision Power Board. Invision Community refers to the combined collection of applications provided by Invision Power Services and is the core of the framework.
Welcome to our Community Forums! Join now to access our team-lead support and guidance for running your own community. Take advantage of collaboration opportunities and peer-to-peer support of products and services to download upload. Please register to take part and more here...
(IPS Community Suite) prvenstveno je softver internetske zajednice koji proizvodi Invision Power Services, Inc. Napisan je u PHP-u i koristi MySQL kao sustav za upravljanje bazom podataka.
Invision Power Services prodaje aplikacije od kojih se svaka može kupiti i instalirati odvojeno uz paket, a najpoznatiji je softver za internetski forum Invision Power Board. Invision Community se odnosi na kombiniranu zbirku aplikacija koje pruža Invision Power Services i srž je okvira. Ovo je naše izdanje za održavanje u martu. Ovo izdanje također uključuje važan sigurnosni problem.
IPS Community Suite) is primarily an Internet community software produced by Invision Power Services, Inc. It is written in PHP and uses MySQL as a database management system.
Invision Power Services sell applications that each can be bought and installed separately in addition to the Suite, the most widely known being the Internet forum software Invision Power Board. Invision Community refers to the combined collection of applications provided by Invision Power Services and is the core of the framework.