Šta je Novo?
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: Kada je Allah Stvorio Stvorenja u Knjizi koja je kod Njega, obavezao se! “Uistinu Moja milost preteže nad Mojom srdžbom”. Bilježe Muslim, Buhari, Nesai i Ibn Madždže.
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah kaže: Ja sam Sebi dovoljan i ne treba Mi drug. Ko ucini neko djelo u ime nekog osim Mene, Ja cu ga prepustiti tome drugom." Muslim (i Ibn Madždže).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah je rekao: Ponos je Moja odjeca, a velicina Moj ogrtac! Bacit cu u vatru onoga ko Mi se bilo kojem od njih suprostavi." Bilježe Ebu Davud (Ahmed i Ibn Madždže, sahih hadis).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Na Sudnjem Danu ce Allah reci: Gdje su oni što su se voljeli u Ime Moje Uzvišenosti? Danas cu ih uvesti u Moj hlad, kada nema drugog hlada osim Moga!" Bilježe Buhari (i Malik).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah je rekao: Ponos je Moja odjeca, a velicina Moj ogrtac! Bacit cu u vatru onoga ko Mi se bilo kojem od njih suprostavi." Bilježe Ebu Davud (Ahmed i Ibn Madždže, sahih hadis).
Search WP - WordPress Plugin

Premium Search WP - WordPress Plugin [v4.3.17]

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Search WP Live Ajax Search enables AJAX powered live search for your search forms. Designed to be a developer’s best friend, SearchWP Live Ajax Search aims to stay out of your way but at the same time allowing you to customize everything about it.

It’s set up to work with any WordPress theme and uses a template loader to display results. The template based approach allows you to seamlessly customize your SearchWP Live Search implementation without messing with dozens of cluttered options.

Works best with SearchWP (but SearchWP is not necessary)

SearchWP Live Ajax Search is best utilized in conjunction with SearchWP, but it is not required. If SearchWP is installed and activated, SearchWP Live Ajax Search can be customized to use any of your search engines per search form.


You can customize the implementation of SearchWP Live Ajax Search to a great degree, including any number of developer-defined configurations. The results are based on a template loader, allowing SearchWP Live Ajax Search to stay out of your way and letting you write the results template as you would any other WordPress theme file.

Everything is powered by adding a single HTML5 data attribute (data-swplive="true") to the input field of your search form. This happens automagically out of the box for any search forms generated from get_search_form().

Widget support

SearchWP Live Ajax Search ships with a Widget allowing you to insert live search forms wherever you’d like.​
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