Šta je Novo?
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: Kada je Allah Stvorio Stvorenja u Knjizi koja je kod Njega, obavezao se! “Uistinu Moja milost preteže nad Mojom srdžbom”. Bilježe Muslim, Buhari, Nesai i Ibn Madždže.
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah kaže: Ja sam Sebi dovoljan i ne treba Mi drug. Ko ucini neko djelo u ime nekog osim Mene, Ja cu ga prepustiti tome drugom." Muslim (i Ibn Madždže).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah je rekao: Ponos je Moja odjeca, a velicina Moj ogrtac! Bacit cu u vatru onoga ko Mi se bilo kojem od njih suprostavi." Bilježe Ebu Davud (Ahmed i Ibn Madždže, sahih hadis).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Na Sudnjem Danu ce Allah reci: Gdje su oni što su se voljeli u Ime Moje Uzvišenosti? Danas cu ih uvesti u Moj hlad, kada nema drugog hlada osim Moga!" Bilježe Buhari (i Malik).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah je rekao: Ponos je Moja odjeca, a velicina Moj ogrtac! Bacit cu u vatru onoga ko Mi se bilo kojem od njih suprostavi." Bilježe Ebu Davud (Ahmed i Ibn Madždže, sahih hadis).
W3 Total Cache - WordPress Plugin

Prodavnica W3 Total Cache - WordPress Plugin [ v2.7.3 ]

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W3 Total Cache Pro - WordPress Plugin

W3 Total Cache Pro is a premium add-on for the popular WordPress plugin, W3 Total Cache. This plugin is designed to optimize website performance and improve the overall user experience. By implementing various caching techniques, it reduces server load and speeds up page load times. It also offers advanced features such as mobile optimization, support for content delivery networks (CDNs), and minification of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

Plugin Features

By utilizing caching, W3 Total Cache Pro stores static versions of your websites pages, allowing them to be served more quickly to visitors. This reduces the strain on your server and improves the overall performance of your site. Furthermore, it enables you to leverage browser caching, which means that when a visitor returns to your site, their browser can display certain elements from its local cache instead of having to fetch them from the server again.

Mobile optimization is another key feature provided by this plugin. It ensures that your website is responsive and loads quickly on mobile devices, which is crucial since more and more people are accessing the internet through their smartphones and tablets. This optimization helps to deliver a seamless user experience, resulting in higher engagement and increased conversions.

Support for CDNs is also a notable aspect of this plugin. CDNs are a network of servers located worldwide that store copies of your websites files. When a visitor accesses your site, the CDN serves the files from the server closest to their location. This reduces latency and improves load times, especially for visitors who are geographically distant from your server.

In addition to caching and mobile optimization, this plugin offers file minification. It compresses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files by removing unnecessary characters and whitespace. This process reduces file sizes, allowing them to be delivered faster to visitors browsers. Smaller file sizes also contribute to improved SEO, as search engines prioritize fast-loading websites in their search results.

Overall, this plugin for WordPress, W3 Total Cache Pro, is a powerful tool for optimizing website performance and enhancing user experience. With its caching capabilities, mobile optimization features, support for CDNs, and file minification options, it significantly improves page load times, reduces server load, and ultimately increases the efficiency of your website.​
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