Muharram 2025

Islamic Events Muharram 2025

Muharram 2025
Autor Boots
26-06-2025 12:00:00
Do: 26-06-2025 23:59:00
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When is Muharram 2025?

Muharram 2025 will mark the start of the New Islamic Year 1447 Hijri. The expected Gregorian Date of 1st Muharram 2025 is Sunday, July 7th, or Monday, July 8th, 2025 depending on your location and sighting of the Moon of Muharram 1447. Islamic Calendar 2025

Significance of Muharram

Muharram is not only the 1st month of the Islamic Calendar which marks the New Islamic Year but also one of the four sanctified months of the year. As Allah Says in Quran:

“Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred.”

(Surah At-Taubah 9:36)

The four months mentioned in the Ayah are Dhul-Qadah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, and Rajab. This is evident from the words of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) on the occasion of his last Hajj Sermon:

“The year is of twelve months, out of which four months are sacred: Three are in succession Dhul-Qadah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram, and (the fourth is) Rajab.”

(Sahih Bukhari: 3197)

These words of our Prophet (S.A.W.) confirm the sanctity of the month of Muharram.

The specific mention of these four months does not mean that other Islamic months have no sanctity; in fact, each Islamic month has its own sacredness and we all know that Ramadan is admittedly the most sanctified month in the year. But Allah Almighty has chosen a particular time for His special blessings and these four months are among those particular times in which a Muslim can get the maximum of Allah’s blessings.

The word ‘Muharram’ in its literal sense means forbidden. Similar to the other sacred months, waging war or indulging in any kind of violence during this month is forbidden. (Ref: Surah At-Taubah 9:5)

History of Hijri Calendar

Before the Hijri calendar came into use, Muslims used ‘Am Al-Fil’ (the year in which the Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) was born), to demarcate date and time. But second Caliph Umar ibn Khattab (R.A.) established a new calendar and, after many suggestions from Companions (R.A.), he announced that the year in which the Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) migrated would mark the beginning of the Hijri calendar. The calendar would begin with the month of Muharram and end with the month of Dhul Hijjah. Consequently, 622 AD [the year of the Prophet’s (S.A.W.) migration] became the first year in the Hijri Calendar.

Fasting during Muharram

Muharram holds great significance long before the Prophet Mohammad’s (S.A.W.) time. Earlier on, it was obligatory to fast on the 10th of Muharram. However, later, fasting was made obligatory in Ramadan only, and fasting on 10th Muharram was made optional. As narrated by Ayesha (R.A.) that Prophet (S.A.W.) said:

“Whoever wishes to fast (on the day of ‘Ashura’) may do so; and whoever wishes to leave it can do so.”

(Sahih Bukhari: 1592)

But remember one thing that fasts during the month of Muharram is the most rewarded ones among the optional (Nafil) fasts in the light of following Hadith:

‘The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) said: “The best fasting after the month of Ramadan is the month of Allah, Al-Muharram.”’

(An-Nasai: 1613)

The hadith does not mean that the award of Muharram’s fasts can be achieved only by fasting the whole month. On the contrary, each fast during this month has its own merits. Therefore, one should avail of this opportunity and fast as much as one can during this blessed month.​
10 Muharram (Ashura)

Ashura is the 10th day of Muharram and is the most sacred day among all its days. When the Prophet (S.A.W.) came to Madinah, he fasted on the day of Ashura and directed the Muslims to keep fast on this day. But when the fasts of Ramadan were made obligatory, the fasting on this day was made optional. However, according to many authentic Hadiths, fasting on the day of Ashura is a confirmed Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.).

The Companions (R.A.) observed that Jews also consider the 10th Muharram as a special day and they keep fast on this day. So Prophet (S.A.W.) announced that from next year, they will fast on the 9th of Muharram as well so as to distinguish themselves from the Jews. Unfortunately, Prophet (S.A.W.) did not live to see the next year. Therefore, Muslims consider the 9th and 10th of Muharram as significant days in the Islamic calendar and observe fast on these days. [Sahih Muslim: 1134 (a)]

Superstition & Misconceptions about Muharram

Although many Muslims are aware of the innovations in Islam, there are some superstitions and misconceptions about the month of Muharram and the day of Ashura that have managed to find their way into the minds of some Muslims. Some very common misconceptions and superstitions are:

About the month of Muharram

1- Unfortunately, many Muslims still believe Muharram is an evil or unlucky month due to the incident of Karbala. We know that it was an unfortunate event but remember one thing that according to Sahih Muslim: 1163 (a) and Tirmidhi: 438, this is Allah’s month. How can Allah’s month be evil and unlucky for His servants? On the contrary, it is one of the merits of Husain (R.A.) that his martyrdom took place on the day of Ahsura.

2- Similarly, due to the same fact, many Muslims don’t get married (Nikkah) during this month which is, again, totally wrong and misguiding.

About the Day of Ashura

1- Prophet Adam (A.S.) was created by Allah on this day

2- Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) was born on 10th of Muharram

3- Prophet Adam’s (A.S.) repentance was accepted by Allah on this day

4- Day of Judgement will take place on Friday, 10th of Muharram

5- Whoever takes bath on 10th of Muharram will never get ill

6- One who puts kohl in his eyes on this day will not suffer from any eye disease

7- Some people say that it is Sunnah to prepare a particular type of meal on this particular day and then distribute it

Nothing has been reported in any Sahih Hadith from the Prophet (S.A.W.) or from his Companions (R.A.) about any of the above-mentioned incidents. Even, none of the four Imams encouraged or recommended such things. Not even a single reliable Islamic Scholar has narrated anything like this. So all these are just myths and have nothing to do with Islam or Shariah. So all these things should be avoided during Muharram and should not be followed by any Muslim.

Islamic New Year


Muharram is an important and holy month for every Muslim and with all of its complexity, it will always be a month of deep reflection for Muslims across the world.

Similar to the regular New Year, one should make resolutions at the start of the Islamic New Year to improve oneself as a better Muslim. You can set small goals for yourself to become a better person and moreover a better Muslim. These goals can be both spiritual and social. You can strengthen your relationship with Allah through regular Dhikr and Duas and helping other fellows Muslims. And Allah rewards every good deed.

May Allah showers His blessings on all Muslims Ummah throughout the year and also Allah helps us in strengthening our Imaan.

The Islamic Hijri Calendar

The Islamic Calendar is a lunar calendar – that is, it is marked by the moon’s orbit of Earth. It is also known as the Hijri Calendar because the Hijri years (corresponding with the year 622 CE), begin from the year in which the hijrah (migration) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), from Makkah to Medina took place. Year 1 Hijri marked the establishment of the first Islamic state in Medina and therefore holds significance for Muslims. It was actually the Caliph ‘Umar bin al-Khattab who instituted the Hijrah as the first Islamic Hijri year.

When does the Islamic New Year begin in 2025?

The 1st Muharram and beginning of the hijri new year will occur on the 27th June 2025, subject to the sighting of the moon).

Each year, the beginning of the Islamic New Year is determined by the sighting of the Moon. The entire calendar and it’s religious and notable days are organised in line with the lunar calendar, and so moves forward approximately 11-12 days each year, while the Gregorian calendar runs on the solar year.

In Islam, the beginning of a new day begins at sunset time. Therefore, the first day of the Islamic New Year technically begins at sunset time on the 26th June until sunset time on the 27th June 2025 (subject to the sighting of the moon).

What is the significance of the Islamic New Year?

While there are no prescribed days of worship for Muslims to observe on the 1st of Muharram, or hijri new year. Muslims may use it as a time to reflect on the journey and struggle of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the Muslims of his time. Many sacrifices and much hardship was endured in the lead up to the establishment of the first Islamic government and city, and around the Muslim world, it marks the beginning of the year and people’s annual plans.

How is the Islamic New Year celebrated?

There are no set customs or requirements for celebrating the Hijri new year, however, since Muharram is one of the sacred months ordained by Allah (SWT), when good acts are multiplied in reward, it is an opportune time for Muslims to incorporate acts of sadaqah Jariyah, nafl (voluntary) prayers, fasting and Qur’an recitation. The Islamic New Year is also a public holiday in many Muslim countries, and families use it as an opportunity to meet and reach out to loved ones, and to strengthen ties of kinship.

Virtues of the Islamic New Year

The beginning of the Islamic New Year is a time for reflection, commemoration and gaining Allah Almighty’s nearness. One of the greatest virtues of the Islamic New Year is that it offers the opportunity for deep reflection.

It’s a time to reflect on the last Islamic year in terms of decisions we made, our good and bad deeds, changes in our character and how well we think we have fulfilled the rights of Allah and sought to seek His pleasure.

We should use this as a basis to make improvements to our lives in order to become closer to Allah Almighty.

One of the most important things to reflect upon is our good and bad qualities- and we should work to correct anything in our manners and character that may be delaying us from gaining Allah’s pleasure.

In addition, as we reflect upon the hardships that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his family were faced with, and the sacrifices they made to ensure that Islam reached us, the Islamic New Year is a time to show gratitude for being Muslim and having the gift of Islam which illuminates our lives.

Send the gift of Salawat (salutations) to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as a gift on this special day.

Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and day are signs for people of understanding, those who remember Allah while standing, sitting or reclining, and reflect in the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): “Our Lord! You have not created this in vain. Glory to you! Save us, then, from the chastisement of the Fire!”

Quran | 3: 190-191

What is Hijrah Sharif?

Islamic New Year

The Hijrah Sharif was the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Makkah to Madinah in the year 622 CE.

It marks the beginning of the Islamic Calendar as it was such a significant event for the preservation of Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) migrated to Madina to escape brutal oppression and opposition in Makkah.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was accompanied by his beloved companion Abu Bakr (RA).

During the Hijra Sharif the Prophet (PBUH), he asked his beloved cousin Iman Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) to stay behind and return the possessions of all those who had entrusted them to him, ensuring that everything was returned to his enemies (Ibn Hashim), demonstrating his trustworthiness.

I saw in a dream that I was emigrating from Makkah to a land in which there are date palms, and I thought that it was Al-Yamamah or Hajar, but it turned out to be Madinah, Yathrib.

Hadith | Bukhari

What happened on 1st Muharram in Islam?

The first day of Muharram marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar, known as the Hijri calendar.

The Hijri calendar was initiated during the leadership of the second Caliph, Umar ibn al-Khattab, in the year 622 CE (1 AH – After Hijra), to mark the migration (Hijra) of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. The migration occurred on the 1st of Muharram, establishing a new era in Islamic history.

This event was prompted by increasing persecution faced by Muslims in Mecca and marked a turning point in Islamic history. The Hijra not only ensured the safety of the Prophet and his followers but also allowed Islam to flourish in Medina, ultimately leading to the establishment of the first Islamic state.

What to do on 1st Muharram?

The first day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar, holds significance in Islam as it marks the beginning of the new Islamic year. There are no specific religious obligations or rituals prescribed for the first day of Muharram.

May Allah accept our good deeds from the past year. Happy Islamic New Year!​

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