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Zanimljivosti o filmu Pijev život
Film ” Pijev život (Life of Pi)”, režiran od strane Ang Lee-a, predstavlja upečatljivu priču o mladiću po imenu Pi Patel koji se, nakon brodoloma, nalazi izgubljen u beskraju Tihog okeana. Ova filmska adaptacija istoimenog romana Jana Martela istražuje duboke...
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
To be honest, I'm not sure I could accurately recount much of this movie or its plot in a meaningful fashion. The plot itself is so overly complicated and loaded with unnecessary fluff that, by the end, it feels like more than half of the movie could have been cut...
Sami naziv ove rubrike „Play It Again, Sam“ vuče korijene iz najcitiranijeg pogrešnog citata najboljeg filma ikad snimljnog – Casablance. Doduše, moglo bi se reći i iz istoimenog filma Woodya Allena, ali ovo ljepše zvuči. Sama rubrika je proizašla iz nedostatka kvalitetnih filmskih naslova na...
Book review: “The Life of Pi” by Yann Martel
This has been on my TBR list for years – it was a sensation when it was first published in 2001, went on to win the Man Booker Prize in 2002 and was adapted for film in 2012, winning four Academy Awards, including Best Director for Ang Lee (though...