Šta je Novo?
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: Kada je Allah Stvorio Stvorenja u Knjizi koja je kod Njega, obavezao se! “Uistinu Moja milost preteže nad Mojom srdžbom”. Bilježe Muslim, Buhari, Nesai i Ibn Madždže.
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah kaže: Ja sam Sebi dovoljan i ne treba Mi drug. Ko ucini neko djelo u ime nekog osim Mene, Ja cu ga prepustiti tome drugom." Muslim (i Ibn Madždže).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah je rekao: Ponos je Moja odjeca, a velicina Moj ogrtac! Bacit cu u vatru onoga ko Mi se bilo kojem od njih suprostavi." Bilježe Ebu Davud (Ahmed i Ibn Madždže, sahih hadis).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Na Sudnjem Danu ce Allah reci: Gdje su oni što su se voljeli u Ime Moje Uzvišenosti? Danas cu ih uvesti u Moj hlad, kada nema drugog hlada osim Moga!" Bilježe Buhari (i Malik).
  • Ebu Hurejre r.a. prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.v.s. rekao: "Uzvišeni Allah je rekao: Ponos je Moja odjeca, a velicina Moj ogrtac! Bacit cu u vatru onoga ko Mi se bilo kojem od njih suprostavi." Bilježe Ebu Davud (Ahmed i Ibn Madždže, sahih hadis).

Ramadan 2024


Wiki Media
Urednik Foruma
ViP Član
Alhamdulillah, we’ve been committed to making everything accessible and providing it for free. This has only been made possible by reader support. We have no ads on our site, and we have no ads in our app. We don’t paywall content, either.

We believe every person should have access to the same information and education. We want to remain driven by reader support. This way, we can make decisions that are best for the user, not in an investor’s best interest. For example, if we relied on ad revenue in the app, we may not have developed the offline qur’an feature. This feature allows users to read the Qur’an anywhere without a network connection. If we relied on ads as our monetization method, and the user did not like the native ad experience, they could turn on airplane mode to side-step. On our part, we could’ve made the app only accessible with a network connection, thereby making a decision that ultimately hurts the user and benefits the advertiser. By aligning our goal with the reader (i.e., make the best possible app/website that a user would want to support), we hope to achieve the best outcomes.

Now, because of the generosity of a few, we’ve remained committed to this model for our organization. Insha’Allah, we can keep things this way with your support during this Ramadan.

This site helps around 1,500,000 Muslims every month. If a tenth of a percent donated just $7.00/month, we would surpass our monthly goal and complete all the projects listed and more, Insha’Allah. So, we ask you—please consider joining the small group of donors who make it possible for everyone else.

To show our appreciation, we’ve created an ebook on the 99 Names of Allah (سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ). We will also provide early access to our first companion book, “The Luminous Legacy of Abu Bakr (ra),” that is currently not available on the site. Regardless of the amount, each person will get a digital copy of both books.​

Abu-Bakr-Book-Cover.png 99-names-of-allah-book-cover.png
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Take on only as much as you can do of good deeds, for the best of deeds is that which is done consistently, even if it is little.”

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