Umrah Perform and Guide

Islamic Articles Umrah Perform and Guide

Step by Step Guide to Performing an Umrah

Umrah is an Islamic pilgrimage and is, in short, an act of worship of Allah (SWT). It is based on the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his Sunnah. The pilgrimage is a visit to the House of Allah (SWT) and can be carried out any time of the year. It is known as a ‘minor pilgrimage’ in comparison to the ‘greater pilgrimage’ of Hajj. However, it holds great value and virtue in the eyes of Allah (SWT).

The Umrah comprises of four basic pillars:
1) Ihram

Ihram is essentially making the formal ‘intention’ of performing the Umrah. In order to enter the fold of Ihram, the individual must change clothes and take a proper bath (ghusl) which showcases an act of washing away all impurities. Men change into the two fabrics, Ridaa and Izaar, whereas women can wear any form of clothing which covers the body and head. Women who are menstruating or experiencing postnatal bleeding are also advised to perform ghusl.

Upon the cleansing, the individual should perform the obligatory prayers or offer two rakaat of Sunnah prayer. Once that is done, the individual should face the direction of the Qibla and officially enter Ihram – the individual must enter Ihram before he/she leaves for the Meeqat in Makkah. Perfume or perfumed products are strictly prohibited while a person is in his/her Ihram.

At the Meeqat, the pilgrim must make the intention and recite the words:

“Labbayk Allaahumma bi ‘Umrah”
(Here I am, O Allah, for ‘Umrah)

After this, he/she should recite the Talbiyah, in line with the Sunnah:

“Labbayka Allaahumma labbayk, labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk. Inna al-hamd wa’l-ni’mata laka wa’l-mulk, laa shareeka lak”

(Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise and blessings are Yours, and all sovereignty, You have no partner).”

It is advised that the individual keep reciting the Talbiyah from the moment he/she enters Ihram until he/she gets to the performance of the Tawaaf.
2) Tawaaf (around the House of Allah (SWT))

The pilgrim must then enter Masjid al-Haram, and that too with his/her right foot and recite:

“Bismillaah wa’l-salaatu wa’l-salaam ‘ala Rasool-Allaah. Allaahumma ighfir li dhunoobi waftah li abwaab rahmatika. A’oodhu Billaah il-‘Azeem wa bi wajhih il-kareem wa bi sultaanih il-‘qadeem min al-Shaytaan il-rajeem”

(In the name of Allah, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, forgive me my sins and open to me the gates of Your mercy. I seek refuge with Allah the Almighty and in His noble Countenance and His eternal power from the accursed Satan).”

The pilgrim can then touch the Black Stone (Hajr e Aswad) and start the Tawaaf. Ideally, the pilgrim should touch it with his right hand and then kiss it. If, however, he/she is unable to kiss it directly, he/she can touch it with his/her hand then kiss his/her hand. There is great virtue in touching the Black Stone. If he/she cannot even touch the stone with his/her hand, the pilgrim should face his/her hand in the direction of the stone and say “Allahu Akbar”. Then the pilgrim starts the Tawaaf – taking rounds around the Ka’bah, with the Ka’bah being on their left. One must be careful not to touch the cloth of the Ka’bah during Tawaaf as it is perfumed and touching it might rub off some of the perfume onto you making the state of Ihram void.

Men must keep the right shoulder uncovered during the Tawaaf, which is known as Idtibaa. This is done by placing the Ridaa beneath the right armpit and taking it up on the left shoulder. Moreover, the men must practice ‘raml’ in the first three rounds of Tawaaf, which is essentially walking fast while taking small steps. For the rest of the rounds, they can walk on their normal place.

Upon finishing the seven rounds of Tawaaf, the pilgrim must then go to the station of Ibrahim (Maqaam e Ibrahim) and recite the following words:

“And take you (people) the Maqaam (place) of Ibraaheem (Abraham) [or the stone on which Ibraaheem (Abraham) stood while he was building the Ka’bah] as a place of prayer (for some of your prayers, e.g. two Rak‘at after the Tawaaf of the Ka’bah at Makkah)” (Surah Baqarah:125)

The pilgrim should then offer two rakaat of prayer behind Maqaam e Ibrahim. If that is proving difficult, the pilgrim can offer the prayers in any spot of the mosque. During the first rakah, Surah Al-Kafirun (109) is recited and for the second rakah, Surah Al-Ikhlaas (112) is recited. Upon offering the prayer, the individual should head back to the Black Stone and touch it if possible.
3) Saa’i between Safa and Marwah

The pilgrim should then head for the place of Saa’i (Masaa) and when he/she nears the hill of Safa, the following should be recited:​


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“Verily, As-Safa and Al-Marwah (two mountains in Mecca) are of the Symbols of Allah” (Surah Baqarah:158)


“Nabda’u bima bada’a Allaah bihi”

(We start with that with which Allah started)

The pilgrim must then climb up on the Safa hill to a point from where the Ka’bah is visible. He/she should face the Ka’bah, raise his/her hand and supplicate to Allah (SWT). The pilgrim is free to make whatever dua he/she desires. According to a hadith, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) recited the following dua as praise:

“Laa ilaaha ill-Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu’l-mulk, wa lahu’l-hamd, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer. Laa ilaaha ill-Allah wahdah, anjaza wa’dah, wa nasara ‘abdah, wa hazamaa al-ahzaaba wahdah”

(There is no god but Allah alone, with no partner or associate; His is the Dominion, all praise is due to Him, and He is able to do all things. There is no god but Allah alone; he fulfilled His promise, granted victory to His slave, and defeated the confederates alone).” (Sahih Muslim, 1218)

The pilgrim should repeat this 3 times; do dhikr, supplicate, do dhikr, supplicate (and so on). Then the pilgrim should descend down to Marwah and the men are to run between the green lights. The distance is marked by two green markers – the men should run till the second marker and then walk up normally to the hill of Marwah and climb up. There, the pilgrim must face the Qibla and recite what he/she said at Safa. After that, the pilgrim must descend again and head towards Safa. Upon reaching Safa, the pilgrim must repeat what he/she did the first time and repeat the same when he/she goes back to Marwah for seven circuits (One circuit is from Safa to Marwah).
4) Shaving the head/Cutting of Hair

Lastly, upon the completion of the seven circuits, the pilgrim is required to cut his/her hair. The men are required to shave their heads or cut their hair on their entire head equally. The women are required to cut their hair equal to the length of a fingertip.

With this last act, the pilgrim officially completes his/her Umrah.

Hopefully, this article will prove to be useful to those planning on performing the Umrah soon. May Allah (SWT) accept your duas and good deeds. Ameen!​
How to Perform ’Umrah and Hajj: Your Easy Guide

How to Perform ’Umrah and Hajj: Your Easy Guide

The blessed month of Dhul Hijjah is fast-approaching and many of you will either have loved ones who will be making Hajj or are fortunate to be able to go yourselves this year. The most pressing worry we have for this trip is obviously: will my Hajj be accepted? With that in mind, we’ve put together all the rules of Hajj (and ’Umrah) into a simple guide to ensure you perform this spiritual obligation correctly.

Please note that the below is a list of steps for ’Umrah. This article is Part One of the Hajj guide, which begins just before your arrival in Makkah. Please read Part Two for details on the second stage of Hajj, beginning on 8th Dhul Hijjah in Mina.​
Step One - Ihram

Ihram - a sacred state (of mind and body) into which a Muslim enters before performing Hajj or ’Umrah.


If you are flying into Makkah, your Ihram will begin on the plane at a location outside of Makkah. This will usually be about an hour and a half before you enter Makkah, and you will be notified by an announcement. These locations where Ihram begins are known as Meeqats.​
To enter into Ihram:

Cleaning your body (removing hair, clipping nails, trimming moustache, taking a shower) is recommended. This can be done before flying.
Wear your Ihram clothes, preferably after performing one of the five daily prayers (see diagram below for dress code).
Make your intention to perform Hajj Tamattu’ and ’Umrah.
Say Allahumma labbayka ’Umrah (here is the Arabic du’a).
Recite the Talbiyah.
If you forget to enter into Ihram at the Meeqat, you must either exit Makkah and re-enter it, or sacrifice a sheep as a penalty.


Both men and women must also follow the following rules for Ihram:

Do not fight or quarrel with others.
Do not curse, talk sinfully or use any bad language.
Do not use perfume. This includes scented soaps, shampoos, wipes, lotions etc.
Do not cut, pluck or remove any hair or nails. (Broken nails can be removed).
Do not engage in any sexual activity.
Do not kill, hunt or help others hunt any animals.
Do not marry, propose or help others to marry.

To summarise - so far, you have passed over the Meeqat, made the intention to begin your Hajj and entered into a state of Ihram. The Ihram is a state of mind and, just like when you begin praying or fasting, certain things which would ordinarily be halal for you are now haram. It is important to maintain this state of mind as you proceed through the next steps.​
Step Two - Tawaf

Tawaf - the ritual of circulating the Ka’bah seven times on Hajj and Umrah.

Before beginning the Tawaf:

You must have wudu. (Menstruating women cannot perform Tawaf).

Men should wear their Ihrams so that their right shoulder is bare. This is known as Idtiba’a. Men need to cover their shoulder again after their Tawaf is complete (i.e. after seven tawafs).


How to perform Tawaf?

Begin at the Black Stone. Recite this du’a at the Black Stone.
You may kiss the Black Stone, touch it and then kiss your hand, or point to it without kissing your hand.
Move from the Black Stone to the Yamaani corner. Do not touch any other part of the Ka’bah. You may make any du’a you choose.
Once at the Yamaani corner, you can touch it if you are close enough, but don’t kiss it or kiss your hand.
Continue with your tawaf, circling back towards the Black Stone, while reciting this du’a of Tawaf.
Your first tawaf ends where you began, at the Black Stone. Now continue into your second tawaf, and repeat the same steps.
You must circle the Ka’bah seven times for your whole Tawaf to be complete.

Simple, right? Just a couple more things to note:

Don’t go into the Hateem. If you do into the Hateem, that particular tawaf doesn’t count, so you will have to repeat it.
For the first three tawafs, men only should slowly jog. This is called Ramal.
Women must walk normally in all seven tawafs. Men should walk normally in the last four tawafs.​
Step Three - After Tawaf

The Tawaf you are performing is known as Tawaf Al-Ifadah, and to complete it, you must pray at Maqam Ibrahim and drink Zamzam water. Here are the steps:

What must you do at Maqam Ibrahim?

After completing Tawaf, go towards Maqam Ibrahim reciting the above ayah.
Stand so the Maqam Ibrahim is between you and the Ka’bah. Don’t try to stand directly in front of it - it will be far too crowded. Anywhere in Al-Masjid Al-Haram is fine, as long as the Maqam is between you and the Ka’bah.

Pray two rakats. It is recommended to recite Surah Kafiroon in the first rakat and Surah Ikhlas in the second rakat (after Surah Fatihah, of course).


What must you do after praying at Maqam Ibrahim?

Go to any Zamzam water point..
Drink Zamzam water while standing. Pouring the water over your head is also recommended.
Recite this du’a while drinking Zamzam.
Now you need to leave Al-Masjid Al-Haram for Sa’ee - so recite the du’a for leaving the masjid.

Although this seems like a lot to remember, the steps are actually fairly simple once you’ve memorised them. To summarise - previously, you entered into the state of Ihram. You have now circled the Ka’bah seven times while making du’a, you have prayed two rakat and you’ve drunk Zamzam water.​
Step Four - Sa’ee

How do you perform Sa’ee?

It is recommended to have wudu, but it is not compulsory. Menstruating women should perform Sa’ee.
On your way to Sa’ee, you may recite this ayah about Safa and Marwah.
Begin Sa’ee at Safa.


You must make seven rounds between the hills of Safa and Marwah. Walking from Safa to Marwa is counted as one round, and Marwah to Safa as another round.
Men only must run part of the way. This area is clearly marked by green tubelights.
At the top of each hill, recite this du’a (similar to the Eid takbeer) three times. You can make personal du’as after this.

And that’s it! Sa’ee is completed after seven rounds, so you will end at Marwah. You have now completed the first part of Hajj, which is the same as ‘Umrah. If you are doing Hajj Tamattu’ (this is what the majority of pilgrims perform) is time to end your Ihram.

Step Five - Ending Ihram

How do you end Ihram? For men, this means trimming or shaving the hair on their head and changing from Ihram clothes to normal clothes. For women, this means trimming their hair by a fingertip. Then the state of Ihram is ended and the rules of Ihram are lifted.

If you were performing ’Umrah, you have now completed it.


To summarise Part One of your Hajj - you begin Ihram at the Meeqat, you perform Tawaf, you pray two rakat, you drink Zamzam water, you perform Sa’ee and you end your Ihram. Note that menstruating women can’t do Tawaf or pray, but they can take part in other parts of the pilgrimage.​

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